Sep. 29, 2024
What would I choose to add back to my life if all my obligations vanished overnight?
Aug. 25, 2024
How would my daily routine change if I focused more on my strengths and less on my weaknesses?
Jul. 28, 2024
Are my inputs satisfying the results I desire?
Jun. 30, 2024
What would I do today if I wanted to maximize peace of mind?
May. 26, 2024
Do I have the courage to start a new project that might not work?
Mar. 31, 2024
What actions can I take that would force me to fully commit to a path I’ve been thinking about for a while?
Feb. 25, 2024
Given the reality of where I am right now, what is the best next action?
Jan. 28, 2024
Am I doing what is required or am I looking for a shortcut?
Dec. 31, 2023
What’s the most fun I could possibly have in one year?
Nov. 26, 2023
Do I have the skills to respond rather than react?
Oct. 29, 2023
If I knew I wouldn’t fail, what would I attempt to do?
Sep. 24, 2023
Do I need more information or more courage?
Jun. 25, 2023
Do the outcomes I anticipate correspond to the daily routines I stick to?
Apr. 2, 2023
Do I need to be doing more observing or more participating?
Dec. 25, 2022
Is it better to ask, what should I attempt next, instead of, will it succeed?
Jun. 19, 2022
When was a time when I was satisfied with my “time well spent”?
Apr. 17, 2022
What small but significant action can I take today?
Mar. 20, 2022
What is something I can remember but can no longer experience?
Mar. 6, 2022
What is something amazing about my life that I rarely appreciate as much as I should?
Feb. 6, 2022
Am I willing to risk my own comfort in a way that will benefit others?
Jan. 30, 2022
What am I continuing to do out of habit, but is no longer serving me?
Jan. 23, 2022
Am I able to shift some of my time and energy on the chronic problems instead of the urgent ones?
Jan. 9, 2022
Where do I go for courage?
Jan. 2, 2022
When I fail, am I failing forward?
Dec. 26, 2021
If I knew one thing would be guaranteed to work out in the new year, what would I want that to be?
Dec. 19, 2021
How do I hold on to that feeling of goodwill?
Dec. 12, 2021
Am I pausing before my next task?
Oct. 5, 2021
Am I creating the right boundaries?
Sep. 29, 2021
What invisible enemy in my life am I ignoring?
Aug. 29, 2021
What current inaction will require radical action in the future to compensate?
Jul. 5, 2021
Am I making time to feel awe?
Jun. 15, 2021
Are there any ideas I should unlearn?
Jun. 10, 2021
What is something I love doing that keeping track of time never comes to mind?
May. 27, 2021
Are the inputs in my life creating outputs that align with my values?
Apr. 28, 2021
Am I optimizing for the outcome or the process?
Apr. 21, 2021
How many things am I leaving undetected that will become too late for action later on?
Apr. 12, 2021
Is my success pushing me away from the fundamental thing that led me to succeed?
Mar. 24, 2021
Will doing this cause more freedom or less freedom?
Mar. 22, 2021
What can I learn from a period in my life where I was most engaged and energetic?
Mar. 3, 2021
What would a letter written to my future self say?
Mar. 1, 2021
Am I reacting or responding to this thing?
Feb. 17, 2021
Am I doing this activity because I’m bored or excited?
Feb. 8, 2021
What would I need to see or learn to change my mind about something?
Feb. 3, 2021
To accomplish this thing, will it require action or inaction?
Feb. 1, 2021
What are the consequences for a belief I have?
Jan. 13, 2021
What identity do I want to have a year from now?
Jan. 4, 2021
Is this serving me or is it detrimental to my well-being?
Dec. 30, 2020
Is there a lost skill I once had that can be useful for me now?
Dec. 28, 2020
Is the solution removing my attention from the actual problem?
Dec. 23, 2020
Am I waiting for ‘X’ to happen before I can be happy?
Dec. 21, 2020
Am I delaying action in hope of avoiding some degree of suffering?
Dec. 16, 2020
What am I avoiding or clinging on to that is causing pain?
Dec. 14, 2020
Is there someone who can help me see this problem in a different way?
Dec. 9, 2020
Am I able to turn any unknown unknowns into known unknowns?
Dec. 7, 2020
What would be the antidote to a fear I have?
Dec. 2, 2020
Is the task I’m thinking of doing next truly necessary?
Nov. 30, 2020
What have I been doing by default settings that could use a new approach?
Nov. 25, 2020
What must I unlearn to understand something better?
Nov. 23, 2020
What small thing am I doing each day that could lead to a large problem later in life?
Nov. 19, 2020
What can present me do today that future me would appreciate?
Nov. 18, 2020
What can I eliminate to make room for the things I do enjoy?